Update the way you use your credit cards. With cash back credit cards, you are able to earn money on your purchases. When using your card to make purchases you have already planned for, you can help to reduce your debt. The key is to select cash back reward credit cards that benefit your shopping habits. Look for cards that offer the biggest percentages in categories that count the most for your budget. Start here with three of the top picks for cash back cards based on the different types of reward credit cards currently on the market.
About Cash Back Credit Cards
Before jumping headfirst into the best reward credit cards, take a look at the benefits of these cards. One of the simplest ways to add money to your wallet is with cash back credit cards. When you utilize reward credit cards and debit cards that offer cash back for every purchase, you help reduce the cost of using the card. This cuts down on the amount you spend in annual fees and interest rates for your purchases.
Consumers prefer the cash reward program over other incentives, such as discounts on future purchases. As a result, these popular programs are available with most major credit card companies. According to Nerd Wallet, you can expect to receive anywhere from one to six percent in cash back on these reward credit cards.
Types of Cash Back Card Programs
When selecting a cash back card program, look at the way the rewards program is structured. If you are earning a flat-rate, as with the PayPal Business Debit MasterCard, you earn the same percentage or amount on all purchases at all times.
A tiered cash back card will pay you a set percentage on most purchases while giving you a better rate in certain categories. The Capital One Savor Cash Rewards Credit Card is a good example of this. When you are choosing a tiered credit card, look at the bonus categories and consider whether you will benefit.
The third type of cash back credit cards to consider is bonus category cards. These are on par with tiered cards except the categories that have higher rates change. For example, you might receive a special offer for your bonus category card that gives you 5 percent cash back on travel purchases for a limited time.
Another good example of a bonus cash back credit card is the Wells Fargo Cash Wise Visa Card. This card features a 1.8 percent cash back reward on mobile wallet purchases using Google Pay or Apple Wallet. These purchases must be made within the first 12 months of opening the account for the card. The use of mobile wallet purchases is a unique value proponent to consumers who regularly use this form of payment. This also shows how variable these bonus rewards programs can be.
Top Picks for Reward Credit Cards
Now let’s move on to the top three reward credit cards among the three categories of tiered, flat-rate, and bonus cards. Each of these cash back credit cards is produced by a separate major card company. This will give you the greatest flexibility in choosing the best card for you. For example, if you currently are a Capital One account holder, you may want to opt for the Capital One Savor card based on using the same company. On the other hand, you also want to take into account the specific features and benefits that come with each card. Choose cash back credit card that best serves your household needs for reducing your expenses.
PayPal Business Debit MasterCard Flat-Rate Cash Reward
For individuals who have a PayPal account, there are a couple of debit cards available to account holders. One of these cards provides you with a generous cash back program. The PayPal Business Debit MasterCard offers users the ability to get flat-rate cash back with benefits. You will earn an unlimited 1 percent cash back on purchases that are eligible. This includes all purchases you make that are:
- Purchases you sign for in person using MasterCard as the card vendor for processing
- Transactions you make over the telephone using MasterCard
- Online purchases made using the card via MasterCard
If you withdraw cash from your account via an ATM or take a cash advance, then you will not earn the 1 percent on these activities. However, for individuals who receive income either through online product and/or service sales, and receive payment via PayPal, this reward debit card program is excellent. In addition, the card features:
- No minimum balance requirement
- No annual fee
- No liability for unauthorized charges
One caveat, you have to earn at least $1 when receiving the one percent cash back in a month before you earn cash back. Final verdict: As long as you make MasterCard debit card purchases in stores, online, or over the phone using the card, you earn one percent in return no fees attached.
Capital One Savor Cash Rewards Credit Card
One of the best reward credit cards for receiving tiered cash back is the Capital One Savor Cash Rewards Credit Card. You earn unlimited 4 percent on purchases in the dining and entertainment category. If you use this card for grocery spending each month or to pay for all of your entertainment, then you can reap generous rewards. For reference, if you make $2,000 in dining and entertainment purchases in a single month, you would earn $80 back on your purchases.
In addition:
- Earn 2 percent at grocery stores
- Earn 1 percent for everything else
- The card offer also comes with a $500 cash back reward when you spend $3,000 in the first three months
An insider’s tip: when you use the card for dining and entertainment purchases—at that 4 percent tier—it comes with 0 percent APR for the first 15 months you have the account. Plus, right now the Capital One Savor card comes with an added perk of a Postmates Unlimited subscription good through December 2019. While this is not a direct cash back reward, if you are currently a monthly Postmates subscriber, this will save you that cost directly.
Plus, you can spend as much as you want on the card and you have no limit on the cash back rewards. A note, while there is not an annual fee for the first year, you will have to pay $95 annually beyond that. As long as you are earning more than $95 in cash back rewards, then you are going to be able to benefit from this cash back reward credit cards program.
Discover it Cash Back
The Discover it Cash Back reward credit card features 5 percent cash back, which makes this a winner among the bonus category cards. You are able to earn 5 percent on up to $1,500 in spending every quarter. The only trick is you need to choose the bonus categories that you want, i.e., Amazon, gas stations, etc., beforehand.
At the same time, this card has no annual fee. Plus, at the end of the first year of owning the card, Discover will match 100 percent all the money you earn in cash back. That means you will double your cash back with this reward credit card. It’s hard to beat a great deal like that. Then again, each of these credit cards offers a fantastic opportunity to increase your household income.
Advertiser Disclosure: Dollar-sense.com is an independent, advertising-supported comparison service. The offers that appear on this site are from companies from which dollar-sense receives compensation. This compensation may impact how and where products appear on this site (including, for example, the order in which they appear). Dollar-sense does not include all companies or all offers available in the marketplace. Dollar-sense may use other proprietary factors to impact offer listings on the website such as consumer selection or the likelihood of the applicant’s credit approval.
[offerpromo]BOOST Platinum Card
- Bad Credit, No Credit? No Problem!
- Fast and Easy Application
- No Employment or Credit Check
- Credit Recommended
- Damaged credit to Fair credit
- Credit Line
- $750 Limit (Usable only at TheHorizonOutlet.com)
- Regular APR
- None
- Monthly Fee
- $177.24 annually ($14.77 per month)
Net First Platinum
- No Employment or Credit Check
- Bad Credit, No Credit - OK
- Always 0.0% APR
- Fast Online Applications
- Credit Recommended
- Damaged credit to Fair credit
- Credit Line
- $750 Limit (Usable only at TheHorizonOutlet.com)
- Regular APR
- 0% APR
- Monthly Fee
- See website for Details*
The Net First Platinum card could be the perfect card for you.
Have you been denied credit in the past? Net First Platinum is available to help people meet their financial needs. Our fast and easy application could be just what you need. A $750 credit line (Usable only at TheHorizonOutlet.com) could be available to you faster than you ever thought possible.
*See Card for Details
Bad Credit Cards
- Credit Recommended
- Fair/Bad/Poor/Damaged/Limited/No Credit/
- Intro (Purchases)
- See website for Details*
- Intro (Transfers)
- See website for Details*
- Regular APR
- See website for Details*
- Annual Fee
- See website for Details*
FIT™ Platinum Mastercard®
- $400 Initial Credit Limit
- Less than perfect credit? We understand. The FIT Mastercard is ideal for people looking to rebuild their credit.
- Unsecured credit card requires No Security Deposit
- Perfect card for everyday purchases and unexpected expenses
- Monthly reporting to the three major credit bureaus
- Access to your Vantage 3.0 Score from Experian (when you sign up for e-statements)
- Use your card everywhere Mastercard is accepted at millions of locations
- Enjoy peace of mind with Mastercard Zero Liability Protection for unauthorized purchases (subject to Mastercard guidelines)
- Credit Recommended
- Fair/Poor/Bad
- Regular APR
- 35.90% Fixed
- Annual Fee
- See terms
- Return Payment Fee
- Up to $41.00
- Late Payment Fee
- Up to $41.00
First Progress Platinum Prestige Mastercard® Secured Credit Card
- Earn 1% Cash Back Rewards with First Progress Prestige!
- Apply now and fund your security deposit over 90 days with the option to make partial payments.
- You Can’t Rebuild credit with a Debit Card. Try First Progress Today! ¹
- Build your credit history across 3 major credit reporting agencies: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.¹
- All credit types welcome to apply!
- ¹Cardholders who keep their balance low and pay their credit card bill on time every month typically do see an increase in their credit score.
- Credit Recommended
- Poor/Limited/No Credit
- Regular APR
- 14.49% (V)
- Annual Fee
- $49
- Credit Line
- $2,000
- Cash Advance APR
- 23.49% (V)
Freedom Gold Card
- $750 Unsecured Credit Limit (Usable only at TheHorizonOutlet.com)
- Instant Approval*
- No Credit Check
- No Employment Check
- Fast online application
- Bad Credit - OK
- Credit Line
- $750 Limit (Usable only at TheHorizonOutlet.com)
- Monthly Fee
- See website for Details*
- Regular APR
- 0% APR
You are pre-approved for a $750 unsecured credit line (Usable only at TheHorizonOutlet.com) with the Freedom Gold Card! Sign up now, our application process is fast and easy.
*See site for details
Surge® Platinum Mastercard®
- Up to $1,000 Initial Credit Limit
- See if you Pre-Qualify with No Impact to your Credit Score
- Less than perfect credit? We understand. The Surge Mastercard is ideal for people looking to rebuild their credit.
- Unsecured credit card requires No Security Deposit
- Perfect card for everyday purchases and unexpected expenses
- Monthly reporting to the three major credit bureaus
- Access to your Vantage 3.0 Score from Experian (when you sign up for e-statements)
- Use your card everywhere Mastercard is accepted at millions of locations
- Enjoy peace of mind with Mastercard Zero Liability Protection for unauthorized purchases (subject to Mastercard guidelines)
- Regular APR
- 35.90% Fixed
- Late Payment Fee
- Up to $41.00
- Return Payment Fee
- Up to $41.00
- Intro Rate
- See website for Details*
Reflex® Platinum Mastercard®
- Up to $1,000 Initial Credit Limit
- See if you Pre-Qualify with No Impact to your Credit Score
- Less than perfect credit? We understand. The Reflex Mastercard is ideal for people looking to rebuild their credit.
- Unsecured credit card requires No Security Deposit
- Perfect card for everyday purchases and unexpected expenses
- Monthly reporting to the three major credit bureaus
- Access to your Vantage 3.0 Score from Experian (when you sign up for e-statements)
- Use your card everywhere Mastercard is accepted at millions of locations
- Enjoy peace of mind with Mastercard Zero Liability Protection for unauthorized purchases (subject to Mastercard guidelines)
- Regular APR
- 35.90% Fixed
- Credit Limit
- up to $1,000
- Annual Fee
- $75 - $125
- Late Payment Fee
- Up to $41.00
Milestone® Mastercard®
- Greater access to credit than before - $700 credit limit
- Get a Mastercard accepted online, in store and in app
- Account history is reported to the three major credit bureaus in the U.S.
- $0 liability* for unauthorized use
- Access your account online or from your mobile device 24/7
- *Fraud protection provided by Mastercard Zero Liability Protection. If approved, you'll receive the Mastercard Guide to Benefits that details the complete terms with your card.
- Credit Recommended
- Fair/Good
- Credit Limit
- $700
- Cash Advance Fee
- See terms
- Regular APR
- See terms
First Progress Platinum Select Mastercard® Secured Credit Card
- Get a First Progress Select Card and Earn 1% Cash Back Rewards!
- Secure your credit line with your refundable security deposit – choose from $200- $2,000 - with the ability to increase up to $5,000 over time!
- Choose the First Progress Select Card for a lower annual fee!
- All credit types welcome to apply!
- Build your credit history across 3 major credit reporting agencies: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.¹
- ¹Cardholders who keep their balance low and pay their credit card bill on time every month typically do see an increase in their credit score.
- Credit Recommended
- Poor/Limited/No Credit
- Regular APR
- 18.49% (V)
- Annual Fee
- $39
- Credit Line
- $2,000
- Cash Advance APR
- 24.49% (V)
Upgrade Cash Rewards Visa®
- $200 bonus after opening a Rewards Checking Plus account and making 3 debit card transactions*
- 1.5% unlimited cash back on every purchase
- No annual fee
- See if you qualify in seconds with no impact to your credit score
- Combine the flexibility of a card with the predictability of a personal loan
- Enjoy Visa Signature benefits, like Roadside Dispatch, Price Protection, Extended Warranty Protection, and more
- Up to 10% cash back from your favorite brands with Upgrade Shopping
- Contactless payments with Apple Pay® and Google Wallet™
- Mobile app to access your account anytime, anywhere
- Use your card anywhere Visa is accepted
- Relax knowing that you are protected in case of unauthorized transactions with Visa’s Zero Liability Policy
- Credit Line
- $500 - $25,000
- Regular APR
- 14.99% - 29.99% APR
- Regular Transfer APR
- 14.99% - 29.99% APR
- Annual Fee
- $0
*To qualify for the welcome bonus, you must open and fund a new Rewards Checking Plus account through Upgrade and make 3 qualifying debit card transactions from your Rewards Checking Plus account within 60 days of the date the Rewards Checking Plus account is opened. If you have previously opened a checking account through Upgrade or do not open a Rewards Checking Plus account as part of this application process, you are not eligible for this welcome bonus offer. Your Upgrade Card and Rewards Checking Plus account must be open and in good standing to receive a bonus. To qualify, debit card transactions must have settled and exclude ATM transactions. Please refer to the applicable Upgrade Visa® Debit Card Agreement and Disclosures for more information. Welcome bonus offers cannot be combined, substituted, or applied retroactively. The bonus will be applied to your Rewards Checking Plus account as a one-time payout credit within 60 days after meeting the conditions.
Reflex® Platinum Mastercard®
- Up to $1,000 Initial Credit Limit
- See if you Pre-Qualify with No Impact to your Credit Score
- Less than perfect credit? We understand. The Reflex Mastercard is ideal for people looking to rebuild their credit.
- Unsecured credit card requires No Security Deposit
- Perfect card for everyday purchases and unexpected expenses
- Monthly reporting to the three major credit bureaus
- Access to your Vantage 3.0 Score from Experian (when you sign up for e-statements)
- Use your card everywhere Mastercard is accepted at millions of locations
- Enjoy peace of mind with Mastercard Zero Liability Protection for unauthorized purchases (subject to Mastercard guidelines)
- Regular APR
- 35.90% Fixed
- Credit Limit
- up to $1,000
- Annual Fee
- $75 - $125
- Late Payment Fee
- Up to $41.00
Merrick Bank Secured Credit Card
- Choose your own credit line based on how much money you want to put down as a security deposit.
- Initial deposits can be from $200 to $3,000. You can increase your credit line at any time by adding additional money to your security deposit, up to $3,000.
- After 9 months, we review your account for a credit line increase. No additional deposit required!
- Secured Credit Cards are great for people looking to build or rebuild credit and are available to people with all kinds of credit backgrounds.
- Unlike a debit card or a pre-paid card, it helps build your credit history. We report your payment history to all three major credit-reporting agencies.
- Get your FICO® Credit Score for free each month.
- Fraud coverage if your card is lost or stolen. Access your account 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get help staying on track with available Auto Pay and account alerts.
- Card issued by Merrick Bank, Member FDIC.
- Credit Recommended
- See website for Details*
- Regular APR
- 22.95% Variable
- Annual Fee
- $36 for first year. Billed $3 per month thereafter
- Credit Line
- $200-$3,000, depending on deposit amount
- Cash Advance APR
- 27.95%
Destiny Mastercard®
- All the benefits of a Mastercard, without a security deposit
- 24/7 access to your account, even on mobile!
- Reports to all three major credit bureaus
- Less than perfect credit is okay, even with a prior bankruptcy!
- Credit Recommended
- Poor to Good
- Credit Limit
- $700
- Regular APR
- See terms
- Annual Fee
- See terms
OpenSky® Plus Secured Visa® Credit Card
- New feature! Earn up to 10% cash back* on everyday purchases
- No annual fee
- No credit check to apply. Find out instantly if you are approved- Zero credit risk to apply!
- Looking to build or rebuild your credit? 2 out of 3 OpenSky cardholders increase their credit score by an average of 41 points in just 3 months
- Monitor your credit progress with free access to your FICO Credit Score.
- Build your credit history across 3 major credit reporting agencies: Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion
- Add to your mobile wallet and make purchases using Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and Google Pay
- Secure your credit line with a refundable security deposit - as low as $300.
- Easy application, apply in less than 5 minutes right from your mobile device
- Offers flexible payment due dates which allow you to choose any available due date that fits your payment schedule
- Now you can make smaller partial payments towards funding your security deposit over 60 days
- Over 1.4 Million Cardholders Have Used OpenSky Secured Credit Card To Improve Their Credit
- *See Rewards Terms and Conditions for more information
- Credit Recommended
- No credit, Poor, Fair
- Regular APR
- 29.24% (variable)
- Annual Fee
- $0
- Credit Line
- $300-$3000 at time of application
Fair Credit Cards
- Time for a new Credit Card
- Improve your credit with responsible use
- Credit Cards for Fair Credit
- Credit Recommended
- Average/Fair/Good/Poor/Bad/Limited/
- Intro (Purchases)
- See website for Details*
- Intro (Transfers)
- See website for Details*
- Regular APR
- See website for Details*
- Annual Fee
- See website for Details*
Good Credit Cards
- Take advantage of your good credit to get competitive APRs and rewards
- Enjoy low rates and rewards for everyday spending
- Earn cash back, points or miles to redeem for travel, gift cards or cash rewards
- Bonus offers – up to 50,000 points or miles
- Good credit can lead to excellent credit – some cards provide free credit score monitoring
- Terms vary by partner. Please see individual application for product terms and conditions.
- Clicking Apply Now will take you to CreditSoup.com to compare Credit Cards for Good Credit from participating partners
- Credit Recommended
- Fair/Good/Limited/No Credit/Excellent
- Intro (Purchases)
- See website for Details*
- Intro (Transfers)
- See website for Details*
- Regular APR
- See website for Details*
- Annual Fee
- See website for Details*
*See Card for Terms and Conditions
OpenSky® Secured Visa® Credit Card
- New feature! Earn up to 10% cash back* on everyday purchases
- No credit check to apply. Zero credit risk to apply!
- Looking to build or rebuild your credit? 2 out of 3 OpenSky cardholders increase their credit score by an average of 41 points in just 3 months
- Get free monthly access to your FICO score in our mobile application
- Build your credit history across 3 major credit reporting agencies: Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion
- Add to your mobile wallet and make purchases using Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and Google Pay
- Fund your card with a low $200 refundable security deposit to get a $200 credit line
- Apply in less than 5 minutes with our mobile first application
- Choose the due date that fits your schedule with flexible payment dates
- Fund your security deposit over 60 days with the option to make partial payments
- Over 1.4 Million Cardholders Have Used OpenSky Secured Credit Card To Improve Their Credit
- *See Rewards Terms and Conditions for more information
- Credit Recommended
- No credit, Poor, Fair
- Regular APR
- 24.89% (variable)
- Annual Fee
- $35
- Credit Line
- $200-$3000 at time of application
Poor Credit Cards
- A better way to get a Card Offer!
- For those with less that perfect credit.
- Response in as fast as 60 seconds
- Search, Compare, Apply!
- Credit Recommended
- Fair/Poor/Bad/Damaged/Limited/No Credit
- Intro (Purchases)
- See website for Details*
- Intro (Transfers)
- See website for Details*
- Regular APR
- See website for Details*
- Annual Fee
- See website for Details*
Search, Compare and Apply! Creditsoup.com offers you a better way to get a card offer.
*See Card for Terms and Conditions
Surge® Platinum Mastercard®
- Up to $1,000 Initial Credit Limit
- See if you Pre-Qualify with No Impact to your Credit Score
- Less than perfect credit? We understand. The Surge Mastercard is ideal for people looking to rebuild their credit.
- Unsecured credit card requires No Security Deposit
- Perfect card for everyday purchases and unexpected expenses
- Monthly reporting to the three major credit bureaus
- Access to your Vantage 3.0 Score from Experian (when you sign up for e-statements)
- Use your card everywhere Mastercard is accepted at millions of locations
- Enjoy peace of mind with Mastercard Zero Liability Protection for unauthorized purchases (subject to Mastercard guidelines)
- Regular APR
- 35.90% Fixed
- Late Payment Fee
- Up to $41.00
- Return Payment Fee
- Up to $41.00
- Intro Rate
- See website for Details*
FIT™ Platinum Mastercard®
- $400 Initial Credit Limit
- Less than perfect credit? We understand. The FIT Mastercard is ideal for people looking to rebuild their credit.
- Unsecured credit card requires No Security Deposit
- Perfect card for everyday purchases and unexpected expenses
- Monthly reporting to the three major credit bureaus
- Access to your Vantage 3.0 Score from Experian (when you sign up for e-statements)
- Use your card everywhere Mastercard is accepted at millions of locations
- Enjoy peace of mind with Mastercard Zero Liability Protection for unauthorized purchases (subject to Mastercard guidelines)
- Credit Recommended
- Fair/Poor/Bad
- Regular APR
- 35.90% Fixed
- Annual Fee
- See terms
- Return Payment Fee
- Up to $41.00
- Late Payment Fee
- Up to $41.00
Applied Bank® Unsecured Classic Visa® Card
- Get Pre-Qualified in Less Than a Minute
- A $300 Unsecured Credit Line which can be used at Grocery Stores, Gas Stations, Discount Stores, ATM's and Online!
- A REAL Visa® Credit Card with Automatic Reporting to all Three National Credit Bureaus
- No Penalty Rate. Your Rate Won't Go Up Even If You are Late
- Access Additional Credit With On-Time Payments and Responsible Usage
- A True Unsecured EMV enabled (chip) Visa Credit card
- Does not require perfect credit for approval
- Fixed APR and Manageable Monthly Payments
- Credit Recommended
- Poor/Damaged Credit
- Regular APR
- 29.99%
- Late Payment Fee
- Up to $38
- Return Payment Fee
- Up to $38
- Card Brand
- Visa®
OpenSky Launch Secured Visa® Credit Card
- Excellent option for a low fully refundable security deposit, get started with just $100
- Earn up to 10% cash back on everyday purchases
- Minimum payment as low as $10
- Annual fee billed in monthly installments of $2 per month in year 1 and $3 per month thereafter
- No credit check to apply. Find out instantly if you are approved- Zero credit risk to apply!
- Looking to build or rebuild your credit? 2 out of 3 OpenSky cardholders increase their credit score by an average of 41 points in just 3 months
- Monitor your credit progress with free access to your FICO Credit Score.
- Build your credit history across 3 major credit reporting agencies: Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion
- Add to your mobile wallet and make purchases using Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and Google Pay
- Easy application, apply in less than 5 minutes right from your mobile device
- Offers flexible payment due dates which allow you to choose any available due date that fits your payment schedule
- Now you can make smaller partial payments towards funding your security deposit over 60 days
- Over 1.4 million cardholders have used OpenSky Secured Credit Card to improve their credit
- Credit Recommended
- No credit, Poor, Fair
- Regular APR
- 29.24% (variable)
- Annual Fee
- $24 during the first year, paid in installments of $2 per month. $36 after the first year, paid in installments of $3 per month.
- Credit Line
- $100- $1,000
Excellent Credit Cards
- Take advantage of your excellent credit to get the best rates and rewards
- Enjoy low rates and rewards for everyday spending
- Excellent credit can lead to higher credit lines
- Earn cash back, points or miles to redeem for travel, gift cards or cash rewards
- Bonus offers – up to 50,000 points or miles
- Terms vary by partner. Please see individual application for product terms and conditions.
- Clicking Apply Now will take you to CreditSoup.com to compare Credit Cards for Excellent Credit from participating partners
- Credit Recommended
- Good/Excellent
- Intro (Purchases)
- See website for Details*
- Intro (Transfers)
- See website for Details*
- Regular APR
- See website for Details*
- Annual Fee
- See website for Details*