Home Security

8 Reasons Why Home Security Is Important

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There are a whole host of reasons why home security is important. You are not just protecting the valuables within your house, but you can end up saving on your bills and generally having peace of mind, and it is hard to put a price on peace of mind. With this in mind, read on to discover the top 8 reasons why home security is important and start here to get a free quote!

1. Keep Your Family and Home Safe

Home safety is the main reason that people consider installing a home security system in their house. Statistics show that a burglary happens every 25.7 seconds in the US, and similar studies have shown that just the presence of a home security system could deter any potential intruders.

2. Detection of Fire and Carbon Monoxide

Many home security systems incorporate a fire alarm and Carbon monoxide (CO) alarm in it. This gives protection against both of these threats even if you aren’t at home to hear the alarms. You can get a notification on your smartphone, or the monitoring station can let you know. This is particularly important with carbon monoxide, as it is an odorless and invisible gas that can kill.

3. Keep Track of Family

This might seem invasive, but this feature can be very important for those with young children or elderly relatives living with them. Having the ability to check in on your children when they get home from school and availing of the optional panic button can significantly increase the safety of your home and in turn your peace of mind.

4. Protection of Your Valuable Items

When the safety of your loved ones is taken care of, then you can consider what protection you need for the valuables that you keep in your house. Everyone has things that they would rather not have stolen, and the average cost of a burglary in the US is nearly three thousand dollars. Having a home security system will deter burglars with an alarm and will report an intrusion to the authorities immediately.

5. Professionals Are Monitoring Your Home

When deciding on a home security system, you can choose to have your house monitored by professionals 24 hours a day, seven days a week. These professionals will ensure the authorities get there in the event of a break-in and will surely make you more relaxed if you have to leave your house for extended periods of time.

6. Cheaper Home Insurance

Home insurance is a large bill for homeowners, and not many know that having a home security system installed can help lower that bill. This insurance will reimburse the homeowners in the event of a burglary or damage to the home or contents.

7. Access Your Home Via an App

Most home security systems can sync with an application on your smartphone and give the user access to most of the functions of the system on the go. This will allow you to check the sensors to see if anyone has broken in or any of the other devices that are linked to the system while you are away.

8. Reduce Your Energy Bill

Smart home systems and home security systems are becoming further integrated as time goes by. This allows you to set automation routines through your security system to ensure that lights are off, or that the thermostat is set to a certain level when you aren’t at home. This will help to reduce any wasted energy and in turn, reduce your energy bills.

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