
10 Super Easy Ways to Save Money

Saving money doesn’t have to feel like going on a financial diet. Making minor financial cutbacks in certain areas won’t change your lifestyle too much and it can really add up. In fact, you could be saving hundreds of dollars each month by making 10 small financial changes.

So, whether you’re a seasoned pro at saving money, or you just want to cut back a little on expenses, anyone can benefit from these super simple money saving tips. Here are 10 easy ways to save money:

Eat the Food in Your Kitchen

It may sound like a no-brainer but eating out could be costing you hundreds of dollars each month. Let’s do the math. Say you buy a coffee from the local coffee shop five days a week, order lunch from to-go on your lunch break three days a week, get takeout once a week, and go out to dinner once a week. Depending on where you live and what you’re ordering, this could be costing you at least $120 a week—which adds up to almost $500 a month.

By opting to make your coffee at home, meal prepping for work (and dinners too!), and staying in for dinner on the weekend, you’ll have a little extra money in your pocket each week.

Go Generic

Speaking of food shopping, next time you go to the grocery store, opt for the generic brand product. Skipping out on the name brand toiletries, snacks, drinks, pastas, dressing, etc. could save you a good chunk of money each month.

Budget Your Groceries

Another great way to save money on food is to make a grocery list and stick to it. Look in your kitchen to decide what you actually need so you don’t over buy. Try to keep your list under a number that fits into your budget.

Having a list and sticking to it will help you avoid impulse buys that might go to waste. And don’t forget to add an easy “I don’t feel like cooking” meal (aka frozen pizza) to your list to avoid takeout temptations.

Install an Energy Efficient Showerhead

This project will only take a day and it could save you hundreds on your annual water bill. Low-flow showerheads use less water, therefore decreasing your water bill. It’s good for the environment and your wallet.

Cancel Subscriptions

When was the last time you used that streaming service? Or when did you last read an article on the news website you signed up to be a member of? Take some time to go through all of your monthly subscription and determine if you really need to keep them all. There’s a good chance that at least one of them can go.

Install Storm Windows

If you live somewhere with winter, consider installing storm windows to prevent heat loss. These windows can reduce heat loss through windows by 25% to 50%–which will help you save a lot on your monthly heat bill.

Don’t Spend Too Much on Gas

There are a few ways to save on gas. You can carpool, walk or use public transportation. If gas is a must, be sure to shop around for gas. Websites can help you find cheapest fuel near you. Or if there’s a gas station near you that offers rewards, keep that in mind next time you go to fill up.

Get a Rewards Credit Card

If you have good credit, get a card that offers cashback on groceries, gas and other essentials. You could be getting a few extra dollars every month just for going about your day-to-day routine.

Use Coupons

Coupon apps allow you to receive cash back on eligible purchases.

Set Goals

The most important thing when saving is to have a goal. This will encourage you to keep going. Whether you want to save an extra $100 a month to be more fiscally responsible or you want to save up to buy something big like a car or house, having a goal will hold you accountable. It’ll also be easier to make a budget when you have a goal in mind.

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